Tuesday, March 30, 2010

shoo fly, don't bother me.

So I have come to terms with the fact that I will never find someone that I can marry because I am the pickiest person on the planet. I get it from my mom though. We both equally hate all the same things, weird, but true. Let me forewarn you that this blog post is nothing happy. In fact, it’s a post of all the things I hate and/or that get on my nerves. I just must share these with the world. I sit around nit picking everything people do that bother me all the time and I have to get it off my chest.

-people who insist on talking at crazy high volumes in the hallways of dorms at late hours. STOP IT.

-people who have bad table manners. Honestly if you didn’t go to cotillion, didn’t your parents teach you?

-smacking, slurping, crunching, etc.

-in class when someone’s cell phone vibrates against the table so loud. The point of vibrate is not to disturb, but it does.

-when girls (rarely guys) are talking crap about you and it’s so obvious. Seriously? Are we in high school?

-when people are eating chips or popcorn at the movies and they rattle the bag or the sound it makes when your fingers dig for the popcorn. YIKES.

-talking during movies.

-people who eat in class. As a future teacher, I find it extremely rude. Not to mention, it stinks up the room and I just hate the sound of people eating.

-people who walk slow in front of you, especially at the mall. I hate walking slow.

-mismatched clothes. Enough said.

-knock off hand bags. I could rant off on this for days. I am very fortunate in being able to afford handbags that are real (thank God for great parents) and I realize that not everyone can. However, I think that if I couldn’t afford them, I would NOT carry fake ones. It’s wrong on so many levels. It’s wrong to the designers. It’s wrong to buy them because it’s illegal. Even if you promote them to people and tell them it’s fake, it also lessens the value of those who have them. I hate seeing people with a fake version of my real bag. I see TONS of cute purses at places for only 20 dollars. (Although this is being a total hypocrite, I probably would carry a knock off Hermes Birkin because you can HONESTLY afford those? haha I guess some people can, but they are ridiculously expensive!) Anyways, I digress…

-Professors who are jerks. Enough said.

-Eating chips at the Mexican restaurant and making a loud crunch. Break the chip into bite size pieces, then dunk, then bite. SIMPLE.

-walking all the way to my class after getting up early and getting ready to find out that it has been canceled. Have some courtesy and send a freaking email. Ugh.

-waking up early in general.

- know it all’s. it’s like arguing with a sign post.

-bad drivers. I have the worst road rage. I feel as though no one can drive as well as I can. I honestly believe my life calling is a race car driver. And if I were, my car WOULD be pink =)

-t-shirts, purses, and stickers that say TWILIGHT or have the characters on them. I like the movies and the books; however, we are no longer in the fifth grade and there is no need to display such things to the world on your clothing or car.

-when people invite you to a thousand groups and/or pages on facebook. If I wanted to be a fan of yours, help your Farmville, or come see you sing in a open mic night I would do so WITHOUT a facebook invite. Thanks.

-last but not least or most important, when a girl burps. I understand that sometimes this may not be prevented for whatever reason, but it is VERY unladylike to burp at anytime and even more so at a TABLE. Ugh. I have honestly witnessed a female burping VERY loudly at a dinner table and then proceed to talk about it and how she likes to burp, etc. EW EW EW and more EW. I about died.

You all probably thing I am the weirdest person and that I hate everything, but that isn’t true. I just hate random noises and things that people do. I’m afraid that some people I am friends with might read this and feel as though they must walk on egg shells around me now. I’m not saying because you’re my friend you can do these things or that I don’t notice them. I DO notice and I DO internally cringe, but I won’t be a jerk about it. I might call you out jokingly sometimes. Anyways, enough with the things that bother me. I shall do a post about all the things that make me REALLY happy someday! I swear!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


First, I want to apologize for my lack of posts recently. I was on Spring Break and I didn't have time prior and I'm barely making time right now. I should be writing a paper that is due tomorrow and studying for a final, but I NEED to blog right? =)

Anyways, I wanted to share with you guys my second favorite item I got for my birthday (only second to my newest Louis Vuitton bag), the Amazon KINDLE! I am an avid reader. I swear I've read every good book there is, I joke. I love to read, for fun. I hate reading for school. However, I am obsessed with my kindle for so many reasons.

It's size is so perfect. It's so thin and about the size of your average book. You can hold it with one hand and flip the pages with either button on both sides (perfect for lefty's and righty's). I just can't get over how much I love it. I worried that I wouldn't since I love to have things in hardback and keep them, but it's actually stored right on the Kindle. I often throw away my books after sometime and this way, you never have to.

I can't wait until summertime and I can layout on the boat with my Kindle and read while the wind blows through my hair and the sun tans my skin! It will be great I can promise. It thrills me just thinking about it on this chilly day. I love the pictures that pop up while it's turned off, so cute! I'm just saying, YOU HAVE TO BUY ONE! =)

Friday, March 5, 2010

GIVEAWAY and a little update....

Last night=best day of my life. I got to meet the fabulous Miranda Lambert before the concert and she was so sweet. And during the concert, she touched my hand (we were right by the stage, great seats!). It was so fun! In honor of my blog getting going and having such a fabulous night I thought that when I reach 20...TWENTY...followers I would do a giveaway. So tell your friends and when we get to 20, I'll giveaway something cool. Leave some comments and give some suggestions of some things you would like to win!

Had to include this photo!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

help others help themselves.

so one of my FAVORITE blogs to read is the College Prepster blog. She writes fabulously and really blogs about things that are more important than just fashion and her favorite things. She is in a group called Grassroots and they are trying to raise the awareness about HIV/AIDS in the DC Area. I'll post a link to her blog at the bottom and hopefully you can help! I really feel like it's important to help others in their time of need. HIV/AIDS is VERY serious! It's affected so many Americans and I think if people knew more about it, there could be more done to prevent it. Please, Please, Please visit this website and see what you can do to help!


just copy and paste that into your address bar and ready her post about it. And read all of her blog posts, trust me they are GREAT!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If I was a.....

I found this on another blog that I read and she found it on ANOTHER blog haha, so I'm going to keep it circulating. It looks fun and you should do it too. If you don't have a blog, just fill it on in the comment section! =)

If I was a month, I would be October or April. I love fall and spring.
If I was a day of the week, I would be Friday. (no class)
If I was a time of day, I would 7 o'clock.
If I was a planet, I would be Saturn. (I like it's rings!)
If I was a sea animal, I would be a dolphin.
If I was a direction, I would be East.
If I was a piece of furniture, I would be a mirrored chest.
If I was a liquid, I would be a strawberry daiquiri.
If I was a gemstone, I would be a pearl.
If I was a tree, I would be a Palmetto Tree!!!
If I was a tool, I would be a hammer.
If I was a flower, I would be a Sunflower or a Tulip.
If I was a kind of weather, I would be warm, but an amazing breeze.
If I was a musical instrument, I would be a pink acoustic guitar.
If I was a color, I would be PINK!
If I was an emotion, I would be happiness.
If I was a fruit, I would be a strawberry.
If I was a sound, I would be good music.
If I was an element, I would be Oxygen. haha. ikd?
If I was a car, I would be changing all the time, but now a white Tahoe.
If I was a food, I would be hashbrowns.
If I was a place, I would be home.
If I was a material, I would be toile.
If I was a taste, I would be cupcake.
If I was a scent, I would be Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy.
If I was an object, I would be a ring.
If I was a body part, I would be a heart.
If I was a facial expression, I would be laughter.
If I was a song, I would be something by Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton, or TSwizzle.
If I was a pair of shoes, I would be Tory Reva flats, Jack Rogers, or Stephen Bonanno's.