Sunday, February 28, 2010

i got a feeling...

that this blog is really going to be fun! I've had it for a while now and I really haven't done anything substantial with it. But I've spent most of my Sunday morning browsing random blogs and some that I follow and I have some really great ideas! I gained two new followers and I'm really excited about that! I'm technically new to this whole blogging experience, so if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to let me know! I really appreciate feedback and am excited to get this thing going!

So let's start with something I ran across and found to be neat...

5 Things I am Thankful For:
1: My family. Without them I would be nothing. They are constantly supporting me and providing me with the best things in life. I am so spoiled by my parents and I couldn't be more grateful, although I don't always show it.

2: My doggies. I typically would not voice this because I usually say how much they annoy me, but not today. My mom, their number one fan, is out of town right now and I am at home with them. They are both cuddled up with me. Cooper is a little thing so him on my lap is no big deal; however, Kasey, the lab, is also on my lap and he's a bit heavy.

3: My education. gasps all around? ha. I know I complain about school all the time, but I really am glad that I'm doing this. I often wonder "If I wasn't in school, what would I be doing?" and I know the answer. I would be working for my parents and loathing every second of it. So I really shouldn't take my schooling for granted.

4: My friends. They are the best. I have a small group of close friends. My school does not have a Greek system and that typically means you are not overflowing with friends. I think it's better to have friends you love for YOU and not because you pay a fee to be in their group.

5: My bed. On weekends when I come home it really hits the spot. There is no comparison to my super comfy queen bed and my college provided twin bed. Although I have MANY mattress toppers on my twin bed, it just isn't the same.

There are SOOO many more things that I am thankful for, but those were the first five that popped in my head. I have some new ideas that will be coming soon. I'm going to try to post one blog a day, but knowing how addicted I get to things like this, there may even be two a day. We'll see!


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